I hope none of these amount to “Death by Powerpoint” (see Don McMillan’s video on YouTube)!

I would not have thought of putting presentations on this site, but two schools in Birmingham contacted me to ask if staff who had been at a project meeting could “talk through my powerpoint” for staff development with the whole presentstaff – it seems to have been a success. For years these have been filed in a folder called pressies and only now do I think of giving them away! From the hundreds in that folder I have loaded here a manageable number which might be applicable to a range of contexts. These are variations on the theme of learning so you will find some key points arising in more than one pressie.

The presentations contain weblinks to the relevant handouts, videoclips and publications (these are live in “slide show” mode). For my own use I did not put much in the “notes” box of a Powerpoint, but have tried to add a comment if the argument is not clear from the slides.

Take a look at a video of me doing a presentation.

Sorry the quality is not excellent. The Powerpoint for this one is 7b in the list below – it contains links to the handouts and video clips.

Another presentation for which the video is available (better quality) is 12a in the list below.
Download videos of presentations here  (<- that’s a link)


  • Learning and Performance

    Recent addition. Some of the research in schools and classrooms which demonstrates that a focus on learning gets better performance [19 slides]

    Download (2197 downloads )
  • Effective Learning?

    What is meant by “effective” learning? A clarification, and four headings for the classroom [6 slides]

    Download (1741 downloads )
  • 1 Active learning (workshop)

    Promoting active learning. It’s not just activity! Frameworks and examples for promoting the action learning cycle [15 slides]

    Download (2513 downloads )
  • 2 Collaborative learning (workshop)

    Understandings and practices for creating more collaborative learning, culminating in the jigsaw classroom [21 slides]

    Download (2158 downloads )
  • 3 Learner-driven learning

    Frameworks and ideas for increasing self-regulated learning, and helping learners feel more that learning is a journey and they are the drivers. [30 slides]

    Download (2052 downloads )
  • 3b. Aspects of the self-regulating learner

    A graphic representation of three dimensions of the self-regulating learner [5 slides]

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  • 4 Learning about learning

    Starting ideas about how we can help learning become a focus in classrooms and help learners narrate their experiences [21 slides]

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  • 4b Learning about learning (infant)

    as above, but with examples from early years [16 slides]

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  • 5 Learning storyboards

    Using appreciative storyboards to more richly narrate experiences of learning. Examples to support the development of learning orientation in classrooms [23 slides]

    Download (1995 downloads )
  • 6 Classroom LEARNING environment?

    Examples of how you can see a focus on learning represented by things in classrooms. Organised under 8 headings. [23 slides]

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  • 7. Towards more effective learning

    Starting with the themes which stop a focus on learning (“space invaders”), moving on by talking about our best experiences of learning in classrooms (“appreciative inquiry”), and using ideas on four dimensions of effective learning to develop forward collaboratively (“jigsaw classroom”) [43 slides]

    Download (1416 downloads )
  • 7b. Building learning orientation in classrooms

    Slides from my contribution to the recent tour with Carol Dweck [45 slides]

    Download (1552 downloads )
  • 8. Classrooms as learning communities

    Some clarifications and practices of moving from cooperation to collaboration [27 slides]

    Download (1511 downloads )
  • 9. Conceptions of Learning and Leading

    An analysis of different views of “learning”, and a parallel analysis of different views of “leading” [36 slides]

    Download (1443 downloads )
  • 9b. Really leading learning (pri)

    An analysis of what gets in the way of a focus on learning, followed by a three-fold conceptualisation of views of learning and leading [43 slides]

    Download (1309 downloads )
  • 10. Teaching 'n' Learning?

    A positively reviewed contribution to an initial teacher training course [48 slides]

    Download (1334 downloads )
  • 11 Personalising learning

    An analysis of what this term might mean, the fate of such developments in the past, and some elements of what we might do today [33 slides]

    Download (1531 downloads )
  • 12 Feedback - for learning

    An analysis of how feedback has to be handled in order to support learning [20 slides]

    Download (2120 downloads )
  • 12a Assessment for Really Learning

    Presentation/morning workshop to AAIA conference on effective learning in classrooms and how assessment should be to really support learning [45 slides] Video available.

    Download (1493 downloads )
  • 13 Meta-analyses

    A summary of the analyses which rise above individual research findings, and show us what factors really influence learning [13 slides]

    Download (1944 downloads )
  • 14 Learning from high achievers in sports

    A summary of key messages after having met David Hemery (Olympic Gold 1968) [10 slides]

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  • 15 Imagining learning

    Imagination is the construction of stories beyond experience: this conference session applied that to learning [19 slides]

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  • 16 Cartoons about learning, school, … (11MB)

    Cartoons often show that there is an alternative view which we recognise and enjoy. This collection makes a variety of points about school, learning, … [47 slides]

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  • 17 Classroom images through history (30MB)

    A collection of images of classrooms over 5000 years, with some dominant themes and some exceptions. [54 slides]

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