9. Conceptions of Learning and Leading
An analysis of different views of “learning”, and a parallel analysis of different views of “leading” [36 slides]
An analysis of different views of “learning”, and a parallel analysis of different views of “leading” [36 slides]
Some clarifications and practices of moving from cooperation to collaboration [27 slides]
Slides from my contribution to the recent tour with Carol Dweck [45 slides]
Starting with the themes which stop a focus on learning (“space invaders”), moving on by talking about our best experiences of learning in classrooms (“appreciative inquiry”), and using ideas on four dimensions of effective learning to develop forward collaboratively (“jigsaw classroom”) [43 slides]
Examples of how you can see a focus on learning represented by things in classrooms. Organised under 8 headings. [23 slides]
Using appreciative storyboards to more richly narrate experiences of learning. Examples to support the development of learning orientation in classrooms [23 slides]
as above, but with examples from early years [16 slides]
Starting ideas about how we can help learning become a focus in classrooms and help learners narrate their experiences [21 slides]
A graphic representation of three dimensions of the self-regulating learner [5 slides]
Frameworks and ideas for increasing self-regulated learning, and helping learners feel more that learning is a journey and they are the drivers. [30 slides]