Learning and Leading
(2004) In National College for School Leadership (Ed.), Learning Texts (pp. 66-78). Nottingham: NCSL.
(2004) In National College for School Leadership (Ed.), Learning Texts (pp. 66-78). Nottingham: NCSL.
(2007) London: Institute of Education International Network for School Improvement (Research Matters series No 29).
(2012) In M. Mincu (Ed.), Personalisation of Education in Contexts: policy critique and theories of personal improvement (pp. 1-18). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
(2005) London Review of Education, 3(1), 47-64.
(2004). London: University of London Institute of Education: National School Improvement Network. (Research Matters series No. 24).
(2006) Paper presented at the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction Special Interest Group 16: Metacognition, University of Cambridge, July 19-21.
With Carnell, E., Lodge, C., Wagner, P., & Whalley, C. (2000) London: Routledge.
(2001) London: Institute of Education School Improvement Network (Research Matters series No 13).
(2009) School Leadership Today, 1(4), 32-36.
Also (2011) Creative Teaching and Learning 2(3): 18-21
(2009) School Leadership Today, 1(3), 27-30.
Also (2009) Teaching Thinking and Creativity 10(2): 62-65